Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In The News- Swift Providing 'International Aide'

U.S. Navy delivers water filters to Dominican Republic, Haiti
March 22, 2009

Santo Domingo.– The U.S. Navy is working with U.S.-based nonprofit International Aid during February, March and April to transport household drinking-water filters to the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Ghana.

On February 27, Navy personnel delivered 100 filters from the USS Swift to Santo Domingo, for use in homes and schools. Since 2002, the Children’s Safe Water Alliance –founded by Rotary District 4060 and U.S. nonprofit Project Las Americas– has installed nearly 4,500 plastic filters and 14,500 of the original concrete biosand filters in more than 300 rural communities covering all of the provinces.

“Each day, nearly 100,000 Dominicans drink safe water from these filters,” Robert Hildreth, Children’s Safe Water Alliance founder, told More than 150 U.S. and Canadian Rotary clubs and the Rotary Foundation have donated almost $1 million toward clean-water projects in the Dominican Republic, he added.

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