Saturday, September 5, 2009

APS Arrives in Monrovia

Date: 09.02.2009
Posted: 09.02.2009 11:26

MONROVIA, Liberia – High Speed Vessel Swift (HSV 2) arrived at the port of Monrovia, Sept. 2, to conduct training and assistance programs as part of Africa Partnership Station.

Through Sept. 15, APS will conduct primary care/health screenings, maternal and child services education, dental extraction, dental health services, dental education, eye examination and distribution of prescribed eyeglasses, veterinary services and education, biomedical repair education and services and advance lab education at several Liberian medical facilities, including the John F. Kennedy Medical Center and Redemption Hospital.

During this deployment, APS will also construct two medical wards at the Redemption Hospital and begin working on the Liberian coast guard pier.

HSV 2 is carrying 144,000 meals provided by Kids Against Hunger International and basic medical supplies, which will be handed over at a Sept. 4 ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Sinkor. Veterinary care and immunization will be provided at the Gibson School in Monrovia.

Project Hope volunteers, along with U.S. military medical professionals, will engage in peer-to-peer training with local national care practitioners while providing care to local Liberians.

Utilizing HSV 2, the APS staff will provide medical and training visits for African nations as part of U.S. Africa Command outreach. Trainers will include both civilians and military from the U.S., European and African nations, including nongovernmental organizations and other agencies of the U.S. government. APS is a multinational initiative developed by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa which aims to work cooperatively with U.S. and international partners to enhance maritime safety and security on the African continent.

APS provides a unique venue to align maritime engagements by utilizing an international team of expert trainers in a variety of military capacities and civilian fields.

Swift, homeported in Norfolk, Va., is on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility. To learn more about Africa Partnership Station visit the APS website at

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