Monday, January 12, 2009

Pre-Deployment Brief Information

A Pre-Deployment Brief will be held on February 5, 2009 at 1800. This meeting is Mandatory for all SWIFT personnel and family members are highly encouraged to attend the meeting.

I'm not the one deploying. Why do I need to attend the Pre-Deployment Brief?

A Pre-Deployment Brief gives sailors and their families important information on what to expect before and during a deployment.

Subjects can range from:

  • What families need to have while their Sailor is away
  • What paperwork needs to be updated or completed before your Sailor leaves
  • What to do and who to contact if you have a problem during deployment
  • How kids may react to their parent being gone
  • What to do if there is an emergency while your Sailor is gone
  • What resources are available to help you during a deployment
As an added bonus, going to the brief will give you a chance to meet your support team and put faces to names as well, which I always find helpful :)

I cannot attend. How do I get the information?

I will try to put together a 'meeting minutes' document and e-mail it to those who cannot attend, but try to schedule ahead for this important meeting! Just e-mail me and let me know you couldn't make it and I will make sure you have all the info you need.

Hope to see you there!

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