Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome to the HSV-2 Swift News Site!

Welcome to our friends and families of the HSV-2 Swift!

I'm Stacy Katzenstein, the Command Ombudsman for the Swift Gold Crew. I want to tell you all first that this website will be used to post any news stories, photography, updates and deals/discounts that I think could help you during your attachment to the Gold Crew.

Please note that I will not, however, post ship's movements, dates or anything that may be deemed classified, sensitive, or may compromise the safety of the ship and it's crew.
I am hoping that this website will give us all an open forum to discuss anything we want to share. Please feel free to e-mail me or call me with any problems, questions or issues you may have that you do not want discussed in the forum, and I will be more than happy to help you in any way that I can!

A little about my history with this command: My husband (It1 Katzenstein) was attached to the HSV-2 Swift's Blue Crew from Jan 2007 - July 2008, during which it was homeported in Ingleside, Texas. We went through two deployments during that time: first through South America, then through Operation Handclasp in Africa. I am very familiar with the unique factors that make up being attached to the Swift and hope to use that knowledge to help you during these deployments!

The great thing about the Swift is that there is often news/media stories in various countries about operations in their area. I will frequently post news articles, videos, photos of anything I come across to keep you up-to-date with what your sailor is doing. If you come across any materials that I do not post, please feel free to contact me with a link to the information and I will make sure it makes it onto the site.

That's all I have for now! I can't wait to meet everyone and look forward to making deployments (as well as pre- and post- deployment time) as smooth as possible for you!

Thanks and Best Regards,

Stacy Katzenstein
Command Ombudsman, HSV-2 Swift Gold Crew

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