Saturday, January 24, 2009

In the News: HSV 2 SWIFT Visit to Barbados

High speed vessel Swift (HSV 2) visited Barbados

High speed vessel Swift (HSV 2) visited Barbados for the first of two, two-week long instruction evolutions in Barbados during Southern Partnership Station (SPS). Barbados was the fourth stop for SPS.

While here, their goal was primarily information sharing and promote mutual understanding with navies, coast guards, and civilian services throughout the Eastern Caribbean.
Training teams from the US Navy and Marine Corps trained with defense and police forces from the seven Regional Security Service (RSS) nations.
The courses provide instruction in a variety of fields such as small boat navigation, small boat maintenance, port security, armed sentry and marksmanship training.

While in port, the crew of the SWIFT hosted the Barbados Sea Cadets on Saturday, 17 January. They were given a tour of the vessel, some basic small boat instruction, and had lunch with the crew.

The SWIFT brought almost $20,000 BDS worth of medical supplies to be donated to local community organizations to help improve the quality of life in Barbados.

Over 100 law enforcement personnel from the Barbados Defense Force and their colleagues from member states of the Regional Security System graduated on Friday after completing two weeks of intensive training which was facilitated by United States Military officials from the US Naval vessel HSV 2 Swift.

They will return in March for another two weeks.

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